Home owners and landlords must ensure that the property insurance company is made aware immediately of the fact that their property is vacant if the situation arises. By not making their home insurance provider aware to this material fact, the vacant property owner could be at risk of having any claim on the unoccupied property being voided as well as risk having any form of insurance cover protecting their vacant building.
It is equally important to have a vacant property insurance policy in place to protect the empty building as it is for a home insurance policy protecting an owner occupied home. Because of the current economic climate many owners of unoccupied buildings are not insuring their property for many of the risks associated with vacant premises such as fire, theft and malicious damage.
The trend of not insuring vacant buildings not only applies to residential premises but also many unoccupied commercial premises are also left uninsured. Each year it is estimated that many millions of pounds worth of damage is caused to vacant buildings as a result of fire and vandalism.
Many UK property owners are taking huge gambles by not insuring their empty buildings and residential properties with mortgages are even at a greater risk as they are not complying with the condition of their mortgage by not having adequate insurance cover in place for their unoccupied home.

Vacant Home
Active Insurance providing low cost online vacant property insurance
It is the responsibility of the unoccupied property owner that their premises is in a safe state and is not a danger to anyone including trespassers or otherwise. If an injury or an accident occurs at the vacant property and it transpires that the property was not safe then the property owners vacant property insurance policy could be invalidated. It is the property owners responsibility to ensure that the building is kept in a safe condition.
Some property owners wrongly assume that a conventional home insurance policy does not differ to an unoccupied home insurance cover. This assumption is clearly wrong and it is best advised to seek suitable advice from an experienced vacant home insurance provider.
For further information on unoccupied property insurance please contact Active Insurance directly on 0844 477 9805.
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