Compare liability insurance quote online for thatching contractors and tradesmen involved in repairing and re-thatching thatched roof properties.
Thatchers public liability insurance limits available of £1 million, £2 million and £5 million.
Homes with thatched roofs are prone to many risks such as fire and water and as such the roof has to be looked at by a professional Thatcher usually every five years. Any recommendations by the Thatcher will need to be completed usually within 28 days.
Many thatched roof homes may seem fine to an untrained eye but a professional thatching contractor can easily spot a ridge that may need replacing or repairs to existing slopes.
At Active, we specialise in business insurance solutions for sole trader Thatcher and for larger firms employing many Thatchers.
The art of thatching is performed by extremely skilled professionals where materials such as straw and water reed are used to line the roof. Most thatched homes are usually period properties that are either grade I or Grade II listed. The main risk to thatched roof home is fire, the property owner has to take great care to ensure that the property is professionaly maintained and that all fire hazards are identified and appropriate risk measures are in place.
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