Anyone thinking of starting a new small business venture will need to consider business insurance for their protection. In many cases many new entrepreneurs tend to forget this important element as part of their business plan / strategy. Small business insurance is a crucial element for any business to succeed.
Start by researching business insurance companies that offer commercial insurance quotes. There are many companies that offer online quotations with some even comparing a range of insurers for small business insurance quotes.
Most businesses are susceptible to many risks including fire, flood, storm damage, theft and malicious damage probably being the most common of risks. Most business insurance policies also provide cover from natural catastrophes’ such as flood damage and storm damage as well as standard risks such as arson and theft. Business insurance policies do differ from insurer to insurer and as such it is important that you read and understand exactly what is covered and more importantly what is not covered. Also note any significant endorsements, conditions and warranties that may apply to the policy. Remember to disclose all material facts to the insurer prior to taking out a small business insurance policy as any material facts not disclosed could lead to your policy being invalidated.
Another important aspect of a small business insurance policy is the liability section. Most packaged commercial policies will include both the public liability insurance and the employers liability insurance covers. The liability insurance cover provides you and your business against claims arising from injury from a member of the public or your employee who have been injured whilst on your business premises. If you provide work away from the premises the cover will still apply. Product liability insurance is also usually included and provides cover for any damage or injury caused by a product you supply.
Active Insurance Provide all types of small business insurance including cover for businesses that operate from home.
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