All commercial outlets and individuals that operate small businesses should have some form of a small business insurance cover in place. Some of these could include cover for the business contents or fixtures and fittings and some covers are required under current UK laws. To obtain business insurance quotes you should ideally seek professional advice from experienced brokers or insurers that specialise in commercial insurance as to exactly what level of cover your business requires.

Online small insurance quotes
Many small business insurance providers also offer instant online quote portals that can offer tailor made covers to suit the needs of most small business owners. Some providers also offer enhanced policies that will also provide assistance to the business owner in terms of Health & Safety legislations including employment legislations.
At the very least a small business owner should consider the following liability insurance covers:
Public Liability Insurance – provides protection to your business against claims arising from third party property damage and or injuries (even death) as a direct result of your small business activities.
Employer Liability Insurance – provides protection for your small business from claims arising from any employees that you employ. Typical claims include injury or accidents. This level of cover is a legal requirement if your business employs staff.
Professional Indemnity Insurance – provides protection for your business from claims arising as a result of you or your business giving incorrect advice to a customer who in turn suffers a financial loss as a result of your advice. Certain professions such as solicitors, insurance brokers and accountants are required to have this type of cover in force by law.
Directors and Officers Insurance – is often overlooked by most businesses. This type of policy will provide cover for a Director of the company that is being sued.
Other small business insurance covers available:
Buildings and Contents – This is probably self-explanatory. It is important to have a buildings insurance cover in place if you own the property and also the business contents and fixtures.
Stock and business equipment – again a very important insurance cover for any business that has stock and or business equipments such as computers, laptops etc. These can be very expensive to replace in the event of loss due to a fire or even theft.
There are a whole array of additional options available to small businesses such as legal expenses insurance, business interruption, goods in transit to name a few. You will need to assess what is right for your business and in many cases a lot of these additional covers come as part of a package policy.
Active Insurance is a leading UK provider of small business insurance quotes for any sized UK business. For a quotation or any advice contact our commercial insurance department on 0844 477 9805.
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