Identity Theft is an increasing problem in the modern world. Whenever you store details on-line there is a risk that those details may get into the hands of criminals, whether through malicious web-sites, or through data being inadvertently released by hacking, data loss, or just plain carelessness. Although for most people this is a rare event, if it does happen to you the financial problems it can cause and the stress of re-establlishing your identity, credit record and financial information can be great. This is where Identity Theft Insurance comes in, providing assistance when you need it most. The main benefits of Identity Theft Insurance include:
- Identity theft prevention and victim assistance.
- Advice on how to maintain a good credit file and how to fix errors.
- Useful Addresses.
- Assistance in making an eligible claim.
- Expenses to defend an individual’s name and reinstate their credit status after fraudulent activity:-
- Costs of notarisations and affidavits.
- Loan fees to defend legal actions taken by merchant and debt collectors.
- Costs of mailing by Registered Post
- The cost of telephone calls.
- The cost of lost wages if it is necessary to take time away from work.