You could be starting a new fish and chip shop business or you may already be operating a successful venture and are even thinking of expanding your takeaway business. For both new start-ups and existing business owners having the correct fish chip shop insurance cover is essential. Disaster or an accident can occur at any time which can cause a considerable hole in your finances or at worse could cripple your business with you having to ‘shut shop’. With a little prudence most risks can be covered by a simple business insurance policy taking the headache and the financial loss out of the equation and you can carry on doing what you know best, the art of running a successful fish and chip shop business.
Fish and chip shop takeaways normally fall under general category of business insurance and can easily be obtained from specialist commercial insurance brokers that specialise in insurance products for takeaways and restaurants. A typical business policy will provide cover for the following risks (not a complete list, check you quote for the exact coverage details);
Fixtures & Fittings
Fish and Chip Shop Insurance
Deep Fat Frying (Range or Basket Fryers)
Business Contents
Damage to Glass
Damage to Blinds & Signs
Goods in Transit
Theft of Keys
Loss of Money
Personal Accident & Assault
Loss of Freezer Contents
Seasonal Increase of 30%
Outside Catering Cover
Loss of Metered Water
Damage to Landscaped Gardens
Rent Payable Cover
Business Interruption – due to fire, theft or destruction of your business equipment / premises
Loss of Accounts Receivable
Loss of Liquor Licence – provides cover for in the event of the forfeiture or withdrawal of the Licence in force.
Employers Liability – claims arising from employees who were injured whilst at work.
Public & Products Liability – claims arising from members of the public for injury or property damage and even food poisoning from your products.
Business Legal Expenses – provides cover for legal disputes with limits of up to £100,000 as standard on most policies.
Shop Building Cover – only required if you own the building or the landlord insists that it is a condition of the lease that the tenant has to have the buildings insured as well.
Check with your business insurance provider what is covered under their fish and chip insurance policy and more importantly what is not covered and important endorsements and warranties that may apply. Remember if you are unsure about any aspect of your quotation or you just need clarification, contact the provider and ask them to explain it to you. Prices vary considerably from one insurer to the next so to compare business insurance quotes try to obtain at least three different quotes. This will give you a good idea as to the costs involved and allow you to obtain a cheap fish and chip shop insurance policy
Fish and chip shop insurance should be treated as investments rather than a cost as it could be the difference between survival and failure.
For more information on fish chip shop insurance or to get a quote please contact Active Insurance, the specialist commercial insurance brokers.
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