Anyone driving a motor vehicle on a public highway in the UK by law must have a minimum of third party motor insurance cover. For experience drivers the insurance premiums are relatively low but those that are just starting on the road the insurance premiums can be well over £2000. The problem is even more compounded for provisional licence holders as a lot of motor insurers deem the risk to be too high and as such do not offer any cover for leaner drivers.
Luckily there are specialist providers that offer learner driver car insurance on a short term basis. The cover is normally comprehensive and is often available on a monthly basis. If after the month you do not wish to renew the cover, you simply let the learner driver car insurance policy to lapse.
This is obviously perfect for students who are at college or in a university and want to learn to drive on their parents or friends car whilst on holiday term. The short term car insurance for learner driver policy can easily be purchased online. Most learner insurance providers have a very easy online quote system with the option to print documents once payment has been made via a debit or a credit card.
Each learner car insurance provider will have their own terms and conditions. It is important that prior to taking out the policy, you read their terms and conditions. Some will insist that the provisional licence holder must be accompanied by a driver aged at least 25 years old whereas other providers may well accept even twenty one year olds. Other common conditions include vehicle grouping, the price of the vehicle and also any driving convictions or accidents.
Surprisingly the premiums are quite low and usually for under £100 you can obtain a fully comprehensive insurance policy for a month. Some providers also offer learner driver car insurance policies on a weekly or even on a fortnightly bases.
It is advised that you should still continue with your learning to drive with a qualified driving instructor and use the short term policy as additional practice. Driving schools offer professional instruction that can not be substituted by sitting with a friend or your parents.
Also most of these policies will automatically end as soon as your pass your driving test. This will be a condition of the provisional licence holder driver’s insurance policy. So do not automatically borrow your parent’s car or your friend’s car on which the policy was taken up and assume that you will still be covered.
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